Monday, January 26, 2009

We got a Piano !

Last week a friend who knew we had been wanting a piano for sometime now, put us in touch with a friend of hers who was moving and did not want their piano anymore. It is a beautiful old studio upright piano. It's in fairly good condition, it is only missing one black key and the middle pedal needs to be reattached. It also needs desperately to be tuned, although we are still playing around on it a little. ;) Katie has a piano instruction book and now all three of us girls are going to learn how to play.
We haven't decided where in the house the piano is going to end up, but for right now it is in the living room.

On the inside it has the brand "Starr Piano Company" written on a metal plate.
I looked it up and it was a company from 1870 to 1920's. They made several different brands of painanos and even had there own record label before they went out of business in the '20's.


  1. oh its lovely!! :) btw, they say pianos should go against an inside wall b/c moisture gets in and ruins it if its against an oustide wall. idk, sounds ;) i cant wait to hear how it sounds!! and really is SO gorgeous though!

  2. Thank you Courtney , we are all so excited!
    We haven;t found a permanent place to move the piano to yet, (still shuffling furniture) but I had heard about how your suppose to put it against an inside wall. It does make good sense. Our problem is we seem to lack inside walls ! lol
