Friday, January 23, 2009

Curious who reads your blog ?

I recently had a lot of traffic on my other blog Miss lady ma'ams closet , where I very rarely post.
I was curious why it was getting hits with so little activity on it, so I signed up with a free blog counter BlogPatrol.
You add a visible or invisible (your choice) widget to your blog and it counts how many visitors a day , week and month you get. It can also tell you where they found your site, what time, what browser they use, what operating system and a few other things to help you make your blog easier for them to view and interact with.
Also , if you have had trouble with people leaving spam or inappropriate comments you can ban certain ISP addresses so that they no longer have access to your site.

I have learned a few interesting things from it already !
Most of my visitors are Mac users.
11:00 am 4:00 pm and 9:00 are the busy times of day.
I have several out of country readers

Try it on your blog , see what you learn :)


  1. I use Google Analytics (, which is a bit more involved to set up but provides an unbelievable amount of information. It is easy to use, once set up, and extremely powerful.

  2. very nice! now im a bit nervous can watch my every move on jk ;)

  3. Thanks for the suggestion Samuel, I checked it out and like Google Analytics a lot better then I what I was using. Much better display of the info.

    No, Courtney I can see every thing you do !
    It gives lots of information but it does not profile the users. Everything is just done in statistics and percentages.
    So, no I am not watching your every move! LOL ;)
