Friday, February 13, 2009

Squidoo ? What's that ?

Well what is it ? Honestly I am at a loss. I think it's like Wikipedia. No, it's like a blog. No, it's a way to earn revenue from adds. After reading up on it I *think* it's all the above !

I am interested in Internet marketing and a few people I follow have mentioned Squidoo a few times and said how you MUST have one. I haven't come to that conclusion yet, but it does sound like a neat idea.

From what I understand (please someone correct me if I am wrong, I just found out about this an hour ago. ) you write a page about any subject.They call these pages "lens" because everyone will see things differently. Your page can be a how-to or something factual. You think up a catchy name and tag it. You try and generate as much traffic as you can. You also have adds on the side. These adds earn you, Squidoo and certain charity's revenue.

Sounds neat huh ? I am going to give it a try and then we will see. ;)

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