Where have I been? Good question. Where am I going? Better question.
Navigating life can get rather difficult, frustrating, repetitive and confusing.
But it can also be exciting, enlightening, beautiful, challenging.
Life will always be a mix of both of those word groups. I like to think of it as a chain of mountains, with towering peaks and valleys with pits and caves. As long as life continues and moves forward (Which it has a habit of doing) we will be traveling along the path. We are bound to encounter many high and low places during the time on our journey.
So where have I been? On that path. I have found many peaks and several caves since last posting on here. I am surprising myself by being very contemplative about the new year. I usually don't participate in reflecting over the past year, making new years resolutions and such. It has always felt superstitious and overly emotional to think only about your life's goals and current direction at the start of the year.
But it can also be exciting, enlightening, beautiful, challenging.
Life will always be a mix of both of those word groups. I like to think of it as a chain of mountains, with towering peaks and valleys with pits and caves. As long as life continues and moves forward (Which it has a habit of doing) we will be traveling along the path. We are bound to encounter many high and low places during the time on our journey.
So where have I been? On that path. I have found many peaks and several caves since last posting on here. I am surprising myself by being very contemplative about the new year. I usually don't participate in reflecting over the past year, making new years resolutions and such. It has always felt superstitious and overly emotional to think only about your life's goals and current direction at the start of the year.
Right now I am at this sign. Amusing no? No. It's not.
I don't know at the moment where I am heading next, but I am fully trusting that it will all work together for the best. Not just the good mind you, but rather the very best!
I don't know at the moment where I am heading next, but I am fully trusting that it will all work together for the best. Not just the good mind you, but rather the very best!